Rate Limiting

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Understanding Rate Limiting in Go Programming

Imagine you’re building a website that allows users to access an API. You wouldn’t want unlimited access, right? That’s where rate limiting comes in.

Rate limiting is a technique used to control the rate at which users can access your service. It’s like setting speed limits on a highway - instead of letting cars zoom through recklessly, you want to ensure everyone stays within a safe and manageable speed range.

Why it Matters:

  • Protect Your Resources: Constant hammering by too many requests can overload your servers. Rate limiting helps prevent this by setting limits on the number of requests from a single user or IP address within a certain time period.

  • Ensure Fairness: Some resources may have limited availability. By capping the rate of requests, you ensure that everyone gets a fair chance to use them.

  • Prevent Abuse: Imagine someone spamming your website with thousands of requests per second to try and gain access to restricted data or features.

  • Improve Security: Limiting the number of requests from a single source can help prevent denial-of-service attacks, which aim to overwhelm a system with excessive traffic.

How it works (in a nutshell):

Think of it like this: you have a limited supply of something valuable (e.g., time on your server, bandwidth, API keys). You don’t want to give it away all at once, so you limit the amount of “value” someone can access per unit of time. This “value” is often represented by requests, and limiting them helps ensure:

  • Availability: Your service remains accessible even with high demand.
  • Fairness: No single user consumes all your resources, leaving others unable to access the system.
  • Security: By limiting the rate of requests, you can help prevent malicious attacks that aim to exploit vulnerabilities through brute force.

Understanding the Concept in Practical Terms:

Think of a website’s API like a toll booth on a highway. Instead of letting everyone through at once (unlimited requests), you want to control the flow.

  • Rate Limiting is about setting a “speed limit” for how many requests a user can make per minute, hour, or day.
  • This prevents users from making too many requests and slowing down the system.

A Step-by-Step Example:

Let’s say you want to build a rate limiter that allows a user to send 5 messages per minute.

  1. Track Requests: You need a way to keep track of how many requests each user has sent within the past minute. This can be done using various methods, like:

    • Counting Requests: Keep a simple counter for each user’s IP address. Reset the counter every 60 seconds.
  2. Check Rate Limits: Before allowing a request to go through, check if they’ve exceeded their rate limit.

  3. Apply Strategies:

    • Directly count requests:

      package main
      import (

    func main() {
    // Example: Using a map to store IP address and its request count
    userRequests := make(map[string]int)

    // Simulate handling requests
    for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
    time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) // Simulating delay between requests

     requestCount := handleRequests(userRequests, "") // Replace "" with the user's IP address
     if requestCount > 5 {
       fmt.Println("Rate limit exceeded for!")


  • Use a Token Bucket:

    // Example: Imagine a bucket that can hold 5 "tokens" (tokens = allowed requests per second)
    tokenBucket := make(map[string]int{
       "bucketSize": 5, // Initial capacity of the bucket
    "rateLimit": 5 // This means you're filling the bucket with 5 tokens per second
    // ... (code for a token bucket implementation)
    func handleRequests(bucket *map[string]int) {
       // Example: Rate limit logic using a simple "bucket" approach
       // For simplicity, this assumes a single user sending requests
       *bucket = 5 // Empty the bucket and set it to the desired "initial" size
    // ... (rest of the code)
    func handleRequests(requestHistory map[string]int) int {

    The function handleRequests will process requests based on the rate limiting strategy.

    • “Token Bucket” Implementation:
    package main
    import (
    var bucket = 5
    func handleRequests(userID string, limit int) bool {
      // Check if the user has made requests within the past minute and check the current rate.
      currentCount := 0
      for _, value := range requestHistory {
        if time.Now().Unix()-value < 60 { // Assume a simple "last minute" implementation for the token bucket
    	return false
      // ... (rest of the code)
      return true
    func processRequests(bucket map[string]int, user string) {
    // Initialize a map to store request counts per user.
    var requestHistory = make(map[string]int)
    // Example: Simplified implementation
    func main() {
      // ... (code for handling the token bucket)
    // Assume the token bucket algorithm returns a boolean value.
    // True means the request was successful, False means the user exceeded the rate limit.

The key idea is that you’re setting limits based on time intervals and
resource usage.

func main() {

// Initialize the “bucket” with enough capacity for 60 requests.

// … (code for a single-user “bucket” implementation)

// Set the initial size of the rate limit counter

// Track the number of requests per user
requestHistory[user] = 1

// Keep track of the number of requests
for i := 0; i < 60; i++ { // Loop for a minute (60 seconds)
// … (code to handle user rate limiting)
if i == 0 {
requests = make(map[string]int) // Reset the token bucket

// Code that checks the rate limit and increments the count

// If a user is making requests, they’re tracked in a “bucket”

// … (check for the rate limit - if exceeded, return false. Otherwise, return true)
if requestHistory[user] >= 5 {
return false // Return false to indicate the request is rejected
} else {
return true

// Create a “bucket” with a capacity of 5 for user

// … (add the code to handle the actual rate limiting)

// If the bucket has space, add one more.

// …

// Implement logic to check if the user’s IP address is valid and

// determine the number of requests they are allowed

// …

This function would be called in your code when a user makes a request. 

You need to implement a mechanism to track the number of requests from each user. For example, you could use a map with the user'

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