Fuzzing in Go

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Finding Bugs Before They Find You: A Guide to Fuzzing in Go

Imagine you’re building a program. You’ve written the code, tested it thoroughly (or maybe not?), and are confident it’s working perfectly. But are you really?

Software testing is crucial for any developer, but it’s impossible to test every single possible input your program might receive. This is where fuzzing comes in – a powerful technique that helps us uncover bugs by bombarding our code with random, unexpected inputs.

What is Fuzz Testing?

Fuzz testing is an iterative process that involves feeding a program with random or invalid data to detect bugs and vulnerabilities. The goal of fuzz testing is to identify inputs that cause the program to crash, produce unexpected results, or behave erratically.

Why Use Fuzz Testing in Go?

Go is a language that’s well-suited for building scalable and efficient applications. By using fuzz testing with Go, you can:

  • Find bugs early: Fuzz testing helps you find bugs early in the development process, reducing the risk of deploying broken code to production.
  • Improve reliability: Fuzz testing ensures that your application is robust and can handle unexpected inputs, making it more reliable.
  • Reduce debugging time: Fuzz testing reduces debugging time by identifying the exact input that causes a bug, making it easier to fix.

How Fuzzing Works

Fuzzing involves feeding your program with a variety of “random” inputs and seeing how it reacts. These inputs are designed to be unusual or invalid, like testing the limits of what your code can handle. Think about it: you’re essentially saying to your code, “Here’s a bunch of gibberish, see if you break!”

  1. Generating Random Inputs:

    • The process starts with generating random data. This data could be anything – numbers, letters, symbols, special characters, or even combinations of these, designed to be beyond the scope of what you expect your code to handle correctly.
  2. Feeding Inputs to the Program:

    This is where the “fuzzer” comes in. A fuzzer is a program that generates random inputs for another program. Think of it as a tireless tester throwing random data at your code.

  3. Analyzing the Output:

    • The fuzzer sends these random inputs to your program and observes the results.

Why Fuzzing Matters:

Fuzzing is like exploring the edges of a map. You can test what’s in the middle, but it’s the unknown areas around the edges that often hold the key to discovering hidden vulnerabilities.

By testing with unexpected inputs, you can:

  • Uncover Unexpected Behavior: Find bugs that are triggered by unusual data, such as edge cases or invalid input formats.
  • Improve Security:

Fuzzing is a crucial part of security testing. It helps identify vulnerabilities by randomly generating data and seeing if it breaks your code in any unexpected ways. This can help you find vulnerabilities that you might not have thought to test for manually.

  • Identify Memory Leaks and Crashes:
    See how your program handles unexpected situations. Does it throw errors?

Does it crash with unexpected data?

How Fuzzing Works: A Step-by-Step Look

Let’s imagine you’re building a function that takes a string as input and returns the length of that string.

  1. Input Generation: The first step is to create a set of “random” inputs for the fuzzer to test with.

These could be strings of random characters, random character sequences, or even randomly generated files.

  1. Fuzzer Input Generation:
    • You’d need to write code that can handle different types of data and understand what it means to “process” a file.

For example, let’s say the fuzzer is sending strings of random length and content.

  1. Testing: The fuzzer sends these randomly generated inputs to your function, and the program checks for:

    • Errors: Are there any unexpected errors that occur? If so, it means there might be a flaw in the code’s logic.
  2. Identifying Potential Issues:

    • This process helps identify vulnerabilities that your code might have. For example, if the input is not a string, the program should handle it gracefully.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fuzzing:

Let’s assume we want to test the fuzzing capabilities of a function that takes a string as input and returns its length.

Example Function:

func stringLength(s string) int {
  return len(s)
  • Step 1: Define the Scope of Testing:

Start with a clear understanding of what your function is supposed to do, and for what types of input.

For example, if the fuzzer is given an integer as input, it would likely be treated as a string and cause an error.

  • Step 2: Create a Test Case:
    • We can use the testing package in Go to write tests.

Let’s create a test case using the go test framework.

func TestStringToInt(t *testing) {
  // ... (code for your function that converts string to integer goes here)

  s := "hello"
  result := fuzzing(s) 

  t.Logf("The length of %q is %d", s, result) // Should print the length of 'hello' as a string

  • Step 2: Handle Edge Cases:

Make sure your function handles different types of input correctly:

  • Example Function:
func (s *StringReader) String(str string) (int, error) {
  // ... (code for the function that converts string to integer goes here)

To make this more practical, let’s say s is a “string” of characters. The function can be modified to convert the string to an integer:

func TestStringToInt(t *testing.T) {
  var tests = []struct{
    name string
    input string
    expected int 
      {"valid input", "1234567890", 10 }, // Expected output for a valid number

      {"empty string", "", 0},
      {"invalid number", "abc", 0},
      {"negative number", "-1", 0},

// Test the function
for _, tt := range tests {
  t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {


Step 3: Run the Function with a Variety of Inputs:

You’d want to test the string with different inputs and see if it throws an error.


func TestStringToInt(s *string, t *testing.T) {
	t.Logf("Running fuzzing on string: %s", s)
	_, err :=  strconv.Atoi(*s) // Convert the string to an integer (if possible)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Error: %v", err)

	// ... (Test the input in a variety of ways, including checking for edge cases)

You can use the testing package and its testing.T type to write test cases.

  • Error Handling:
    • The function should be able to handle different types of inputs:
    // Example with a "string" input
    func TestStringToInt(t *testing.T) {
    	name := "StringToInt Function Test"
    	t.Run("Test StringToInt", func(t *testing.T) {
    		str := "-123"

    		// ... (code to convert the string "str" to an integer, returning it and potentially an error)

            number, err := int64FromString(t.string, 10); // Convert the string to an integer

strconv.Atoi() converts a string to an integer, but you need to handle invalid input. You can use the testing package and the t.Errorf() function for this.

Fuzz testing is an essential part of software development that involves feeding a program with random or invalid data to detect bugs and vulnerabilities. In this article, we’ll explore how you can implement fuzz testing with Go using popular libraries like go-fuzz and github.com/google2ru/go-fuzz.

How to Implement Fuzz Testing with Go

Here’s an example of how you can implement fuzz testing with Go using go-fuzz:

  1. Install go-fuzz: Install go-fuzz using go get github.com/dvyas/go-fuzz.
  2. Write a test function: Write a test function that takes a single argument, which is the input to be fuzzed.
  3. Use go-fuzz to generate inputs: Use go-fuzz to generate random or invalid inputs for your test function.
  4. Run go-fuzz: Run go-fuzz with your test function and watch as it generates a large number of inputs, testing your application’s robustness.

Here’s an example of how you can implement fuzz testing with Go using github.com/google2ru/go-fuzz:

  1. Install go-fuzz: Install go-fuzz using go get github.com/google2ru/go-fuzz.
  2. Write a test function: Write a test function that takes a single argument, which is the input to be fuzzed.
  3. Use go-fuzz to generate inputs: Use go-fuzz to generate random or invalid inputs for your test function.
  4. Run go-fuzz: Run go-fuzz with your test function and watch as it generates a large number of inputs, testing your application’s robustness.

Best Practices for Implementing Fuzz Testing in Go

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when implementing fuzz testing in Go:

  • Use a fuzzer library: Use a fuzzer library like go-fuzz or github.com/google2ru/go-fuzz to simplify the process of generating random inputs.
  • Start with simple tests: Start with simple tests and gradually increase the complexity as you become more comfortable with fuzz testing.
  • Monitor progress: Monitor progress and adjust your test function accordingly.
  • Test thoroughly: Test thoroughly to ensure that your application is robust and can handle unexpected inputs.


In this article, we’ve explored how you can implement fuzz testing with Go using popular libraries like go-fuzz and github.com/google2ru/go-fuzz. By following best practices and implementing fuzz testing in your Go applications, you can find bugs early, improve reliability, and reduce debugging time.

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