Template Engines

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Template Engines in Go: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Web Pages

When building web applications, rendering dynamic content is a crucial part of the process. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of template engines in Go and how you can use them to create dynamic web pages.

What are Template Engines?

A template engine is a software component that allows you to separate the presentation layer from your application’s logic. It enables you to generate HTML or other markup languages by inserting dynamic data into templates, making it easier to manage complex layouts and formatting.

Why Use Template Engines in Go?

Go is a language well-suited for building scalable and efficient web applications. By using template engines with Go, you can:

  • Improve code organization: Separate presentation logic from your application’s core functionality.
  • Simplify rendering: Easily generate dynamic content by inserting data into templates.
  • Enhance reusability: Reuse templates across multiple pages or applications.

Here are some popular template engines that you can use with Go:

  1. Go Templates (net/html/template): The official Go template engine, included in the standard library.
  2. Golang Templates (github.com/golang/templating): A lightweight template engine inspired by Jinja2.
  3. Mustache (github.com/casbin/mustache-go): A popular template engine that allows you to separate logic and presentation.

Setting Up a Template Engine in Go

Let’s use the Go Templates package (net/html/template) as an example:

  1. Install the package: Run go get net/html/template to install the package.
  2. Create a template file: Create a new file called example.html with the following content:
    {{ .Name }} says {{ .Message }}
  1. Create a struct for data: Define a struct to hold your dynamic data:
type Data struct {
    Name string
    Message string
  1. Create a template instance: Create an instance of the template.Template type:
t, err := template.New("example").ParseFiles("example.html")
if err != nil {
  1. Render the template: Render the template with your dynamic data:
data := &Data{Name: "John", Message: "Hello World"}
err = t.Execute(os.Stdout, data)
if err != nil {

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips to help you get started:

  1. Use the {{ . }} syntax: The {{ . }} syntax is used to access template variables.
  2. Define your own functions: You can define custom functions in your templates using the {{ define "func" }} syntax.
  3. Use conditional statements: Use if and else statements to conditionally render content.
  4. Use loops: Use for loops to iterate over data structures.


Template engines are a powerful tool for creating dynamic web pages in Go. By separating presentation logic from your application’s core functionality, you can improve code organization, simplify rendering, and enhance reusability. In this article, we explored the concept of template engines in Go and how to set up a basic template engine using the official Go Templates package. With practice and experimentation, you’ll be able to create complex web applications that render dynamic content with ease.

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