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This article is designed to help you understand some common ways that Go programmers write code. We’ll explore the “Go way” of doing things, which often leads to more efficient and readable programs.
What are idioms?
Think of programming idioms as common phrases or expressions used within a language. Just like “kick the bucket” means “die” in everyday speech, but not literally “kick the bucket” in code, an idiom is a pattern that’s understood and accepted as a good practice for writing idiomatic code.
Understanding Idioms and Patterns:
Learning to write code effectively isn’t just about knowing the syntax of the language; it’s also about understanding and using common patterns that make your code easier to read, understand, and maintain.
In Go, these patterns are often influenced by its emphasis on simplicity, concurrency, and efficiency. Here’s a breakdown of some key concepts:
What is an idiom? In the context of programming, an idiom refers to a common way of writing code that achieves a specific task in a concise and idiomatic manner.
Why are they important? Using Go idioms helps you write code that is:
1. Short and Efficient Declarations:
In Go, we often use short variable declarations to make our code more concise and readable.
Let’s say you want to create a variable that stores the number of students in a class. In a language like C++, you might write:
int numberOfStudents = 0; // Less idiomatic: Declaring and initializing separately
But in Go, we can combine the declaration and initialization for more clarity.
// Idiomatic Go (with type inference)
func main() {
var studentCount int
studentNames := []string{}
// ... code to add students ...
// Incrementing a counter for the number of students in a class
for _, name := range studentNames {
if len(studentNames) < 10 { // Increment the count only if it's less than 10
// ...
// The rest of the program can now use 'studentCount' as needed
fmt.Println("Number of Students:", studentNames)
for i := 0; i < len(studentNames); i++ {
if len(studentNames[i]) > 10 { // Check if the name is longer than 10 characters
fmt.Println("Error: Student name too long!") // Print an error message to the console
// ... rest of the code ...
2. Understanding Error Handling:
Go uses a unique approach to error handling, which emphasizes explicitness and clarity. Instead of relying on exceptions (like in Java or Python), Go developers typically use the error
interface. This means you’ll often see functions returning an error
value alongside the result.
3. The “error” Interface:
Let’s imagine a function to calculate the average score of students:
// Assuming 'scores' is a slice containing the numerical grades of all students
func CalculateAverage(scores []float64) (average float64, err error) {
total := 0.0
// ... Calculate the total of the scores
if len(scores) == 0 { // Check for empty input
return 0, errors.New("No scores provided")
average = total / float64(len(scores)) // Calculate the average score
// ... Return the average and an error if there are no scores in the slice
if len(scores) == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Cannot calculate the average of an empty slice")
// This code assumes a function 'GetScores' exists that returns a list of grades for each student
// (e.g., a slice of floats representing the scores).
In Go, errors are returned as a second value from functions.
3. Error Handling: Errors in Go
Let’s say we have a function CalculateAverage(scores []float64) (average float6, err error)
which calculates the average score of students. In languages like Java, it might return an error message as a string.
However, Go prefers using explicit error checking and encourages returning meaningful error
types instead of just a string.
3. Error Handling: Errors in Go:
func GetScores() ([]float64, error) {
// ... Code to retrieve the list of scores
var results []float6, err error
return average(scores), errors.New("Error checking")
func calculateAverage(scoreList []string) (average float64, err error) {
// ... Logic for calculating the average of numbers ...
// Assume a function 'Average' exists that calculates the average score
if len(scoreList) == 0 {
return 0, errors.New("Cannot calculate the average of an empty list")
} else {
average = 0.0
for i := 0; i < len(scoreList); i++ {
average += float64(i) // Calculate the average using the index
// Return the calculated average and a nil error value (indicating no errors occurred).
return 0, nil
4. Error Handling: Returning an error of type error
The code above illustrates how to return a specific error type from a function.
This allows for more robust error handling and avoids the need for “exceptions” (which are common in other languages but can lead to confusing error messages and unexpected program termination).
// Example of an error handling function:
func calculateAverage(scoreList []float64) (float64, float6) {
var total float6 = 0;
for _, score := range scoreList {
total += float64(score);
return nil, nil, error // This returns a pointer to the 'average' variable and a default value of nil for the error.
5. Errors:
values from functions`Let me know if you’d like to see more code examples or have any other questions about these concepts.