Structs and Methods in Go

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Understanding Structs and Methods in Go


In Go, a struct is a way to create your own custom data types. It’s like building a blueprint for a new type of object.

Think about it this way: you have a collection of information (data) that belongs together. Instead of having separate variables for each piece of information, a struct lets you combine them into a single structure. This is helpful because it keeps your code organized and easy to understand.

Introduction to Structs:

Let’s say you want to store information about a person. You could use separate variables for their name, age, address, etc., but that can get messy. A struct lets you create a new type named “Person” to hold all that data in a structured way:

Step by step explanation:

  1. Define the Struct: We start by creating a structure (blueprint) named “Person” using the type keyword. This structure would typically include fields for things like name, age, and address. For example:
package main

import "fmt"

// Define a struct to represent a person.
type Person struct {
  FirstName string
  LastName string
  Age int
  Address string

func main() {
  // Create a new instance of the "Person" struct.
  person1 := Person{
    FirstName: "John",
    LastName: "Doe",
    Age: 30,
    Address: "123 Main Street",

  fmt.Println("First Name:", person1.FirstName)
  fmt.Println("Last Name:", person1.LastName)
  fmt.Println("Person's age:", person1.Age)

This code defines a struct named “Person” with three fields: FirstName, LastName, and Address.

Why it matters:

Structs are powerful for organizing data. Instead of thinking about a person as separate pieces of information (like individual variables for firstName, lastName, and age), we can create a single type that defines all the essential characteristics.

Creating Meaningful Data Structures:

In this example, “Person” is a custom data structure. We can think of it like a blueprint for building a person object in Go.

type Person struct {
  FirstName string
  LastName string
  Age int
  // ... other fields

  // Example:
  Name string
  Age int
  Height float64
  Weight float64


func (p *Person) speak() {
  fmt.Println("Hello, my name is", p.FirstName, p.LastName)

Creating a “Person” Type:

Let’s say you want to use the Person struct to store information about a person and their address.

You can think of it like this:

// Define a struct for a person

type Person struct {
  FirstName string
  LastName string
  Age int
  Height float64
  speak func()

func (p *Person) setHeight(height float64) {
  // ... code to change the height of the person
  fmt.Println("Setting a height for this Person!")
  // ... code to access and modify the 'height' field


Speaking about the “Person” type:

The speak function is a great example of how Go allows you to define functions that belong to a specific data structure.

In this case, the ‘Person’ struct would have a function defined on it:

// ... (previous code for 'FirstName', 'Age' and 'Height' fields)
  // Define a function to speak.

func (p *Person) sayHello() {
  fmt.Println("Hello,", p.LastName, "!", p.FirstName)

This is a good example of what we call a method. A method is simply a function that’s defined on a specific data type.

By defining the speak function directly on the ‘Person’ struct, we can give each person instance its own way of saying “Hello” through the p.speak.

Defining methods:

A method in Go is a function that has a special receiver parameter. This allows us to define functions specific to an object.

In our Person example, the sayHello function would be defined as:

func (p *Person) sayHello() {
  // ... (code for the 'speak' method)

type Person struct {
  FirstName string
  LastName string
  Age int
  Height float64


// This code defines a new instance of the 'Person' struct. 
// We are defining a function `sayHello` that is specific to the 'Person' type:

func (p *Person) sayHello() {
  fmt.Println("Hello,", p.LastName, "!", p.firstName)

func main() {
  // ...
  person := Person{} // We don't need a height in this example!
  person.sayHello() // Call the 'sayHello' function directly on the struct instance

Why use Structs and Methods?

  • Organization: Imagine trying to keep track of all the information about a person using separate variables. You’d have a lot of data floating around: firstName, lastName, age, height, weight, address, etc. A struct lets you combine these into a single, organized unit.

  • Readability: Keeping all the information for a person together in a struct makes your code easier to understand and maintain. You can easily see that ‘person1’ has both ‘firstName’, ‘lastName’, age, and ‘height’ as attributes.

  • Reusability: By defining methods on the Person struct, you can reuse the same code for handling a person’s name (or in this case, their height) across different parts of your program.**


Using a method to define the ‘hello’ function is just one way to show how they are useful. Imagine needing to calculate the BMI of a person.

// ... (previous code for "Person" type)

// Function to represent height in the 'Person' struct

func (p *Person) sayHello() {
  fmt.Println("This is a function to print a greeting!") 

type Person struct {
  FirstName string
  LastName string
  Height float64
  // ... other fields

  // Define a `sayHello` method on the 'Person' type
  func (p *Person) speak() {
    println("Hello,", p.lastName, "!") 

type Person struct {
  FirstName string
  LastName string
  Age int
  Age float64 // We can use 'float64' for height and age

  // ... (rest of the code)

  // Calculate BMI
  func (p *Person) speak() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, I'm a", p.FirstName, "and I'm", personAge, "years old.")

BMI Calculation:

In this example, we can use the calculateBMI function for calculating the BMI of any object that has a height and weight value:

  • Person:
// ... (previous code)
  person := Person{FirstName: "John", LastName: "Doe", Height: 1.75, Weight: 75.0} // Example of 'Person' struct with fields

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