Casting in Go

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Type casting is an essential aspect of programming, and Go provides a simple and intuitive way to achieve it. In this article, we will explore the concept of type casting in Go and provide practical examples to help you master it.

Type casting refers to the process of converting data from one type to another. It is an essential part of programming, as it allows developers to manipulate data in various formats, such as numbers, strings, and structures. In Go, type casting can be achieved using the type keyword followed by the desired type name.

For example, to cast a variable x with the type int to a variable of type string, we use the following syntax:

str := string(x)

This converts the value stored in x from an integer to a string. The result is stored in the new variable str.

Here are some other examples of type casting in Go:

  • Casting a slice to an array:
var numbers []int = {1, 2, 3}
arr := [5]int(numbers) // arr will be of length 5 and contain the elements from numbers

In this example, we cast a slice of integers to an array of integers. The resulting array will have a length of 5 and contain the elements from the original slice.

  • Casting a pointer to an interface:
type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() string

var myPointer *MyStruct = &MyStruct{}
var myInterface MyInterface = (MyInterface)(myPointer) // myInterface will be of type MyInterface and contain the methods from MyStruct

In this example, we cast a pointer to a struct that implements an interface to an interface. The resulting interface will have all the methods defined in the original interface.

  • Casting a value to a channel:
var myValue string = "Hello"
ch := make(chan string) // create a new channel of type string
sendCh <- (string)(myValue) // send the value to the channel

In this example, we cast a value to a channel. The resulting channel will have the same type as the original value and can be used to send or receive values.

  • Casting a channel to a pointer:
var ch chan string = make(chan string) // create a new channel of type string
ptr := (string)(&ch) // ptr will be a pointer to the channel

In this example, we cast a channel to a pointer. The resulting pointer can be used to manipulate the channel.

  • Casting a struct field to a pointer:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 string

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: "Hello"}
ptr := (string)(&myStruct.Field1) // ptr will be a pointer to the field

In this example, we cast a struct field to a pointer. The resulting pointer can be used to manipulate the field.

  • Casting a function call to an interface:
type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() string

func myFunction(arg1 string) string {
    return arg1 + " World"

var myInterface MyInterface = (MyInterface)(myFunction) // myInterface will be of type MyInterface and contain the method from myFunction

In this example, we cast a function call to an interface. The resulting interface will have all the methods defined in the original function.

  • Casting a struct to an interface:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 string

type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() string

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: "Hello"}
var myInterface MyInterface = (MyInterface)(myStruct) // myInterface will be of type MyInterface and contain the methods from MyStruct

In this example, we cast a struct to an interface. The resulting interface will have all the methods defined in the original struct.

  • Casting a map value to a pointer:
var myMap map[string]string = make(map[string]string) // create a new map of type string
myMap["key"] = "value"
ptr := (string)(&myMap["key"]) // ptr will be a pointer to the value

In this example, we cast a map value to a pointer. The resulting pointer can be used to manipulate the value.

  • Casting a channel to an interface:
type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() string

var ch chan string = make(chan string) // create a new channel of type string
myInterface := (MyInterface)(ch) // myInterface will be of type MyInterface and contain the methods from ch

In this example, we cast a channel to an interface. The resulting interface will have all the methods defined in the original channel.

  • Casting a pointer to a struct:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 string

var myPointer *MyStruct = &MyStruct{} // create a new pointer of type MyStruct
myStruct := (MyStruct)(myPointer) // myStruct will be of type MyStruct and contain the fields from myPointer

In this example, we cast a pointer to a struct. The resulting struct will have all the fields defined in the original pointer.

  • Casting an interface to a slice:
type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() string

var mySlice []MyInterface = make([]MyInterface, 10) // create a new slice of type MyInterface
mySlice[3] = (MyInterface)(&MyStruct{}) // assign the value to the third index in the slice

In this example, we cast an interface to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original interface.

  • Casting a pointer to a string:
var myPointer *string = &"Hello World" // create a new pointer of type string
str := (string)(myPointer) // str will be a string and contain the value from myPointer

In this example, we cast a pointer to a string. The resulting string will have all the characters defined in the original pointer.

  • Casting an interface to a struct:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 string

var myInterface MyInterface = &MyStruct{} // create a new interface of type MyStruct
myStruct := (MyStruct)(myInterface) // myStruct will be of type MyStruct and contain the fields from myInterface

In this example, we cast an interface to a struct. The resulting struct will have all the fields defined in the original interface.

  • Casting a slice to a string:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
str := (string)(mySlice) // str will be a string and contain all the elements from mySlice

In this example, we cast a slice to a string. The resulting string will have all the characters defined in the original slice.

  • Casting an interface to an integer:
type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() int

var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myStruct := (MyInterface)(&MyStruct{Field1: "Hello"}) // assign the value to the first field in the struct
result := (int)(myStruct.MyMethod()) // result will be an integer and contain the return value from MyMethod()

In this example, we cast an interface to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the characters defined in the original interface.

  • Casting a string to a slice:
var myString string = "Hello World" // create a new string of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myString) // mySlice will be a slice of strings and contain all the characters from myString

In this example, we cast a string to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the characters defined in the original string.

  • Casting a struct field to an integer:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 int

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: 5} // create a new struct of type MyStruct
result := (int)(myStruct.Field1) // result will be an integer and contain the value from Field1

In this example, we cast a struct field to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the characters defined in the original field.

  • Casting a channel to a string:
var ch chan string = make(chan string) // create a new channel of type string
str := (string)(ch) // str will be a string and contain all the elements from ch

In this example, we cast a channel to a string. The resulting string will have all the characters defined in the original channel.

  • Casting an interface to a map:
type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() string

var myMap map[string]string = make(map[string]string) // create a new map of type string
myStruct := (MyInterface)(&MyStruct{Field1: "Hello"}) // assign the value to the first field in the struct
result := (string)(myStruct.MyMethod()) // result will be an integer and contain the return value from MyMethod()

In this example, we cast an interface to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original interface.

  • Casting a pointer to a channel:
var myPointer *chan string = &make(chan string) // create a new pointer of type chan string
ch := (chan string)(myPointer) // ch will be a channel of strings and contain all the elements from myPointer

In this example, we cast a pointer to a channel. The resulting channel will have all the elements defined in the original pointer.

  • Casting a map to an interface:
type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() string

var myMap map[string]string = make(map[string]string) // create a new map of type string
myStruct := (MyInterface)(myMap["key"]) // assign the value to the first field in the struct
result := (string)(myStruct.MyMethod()) // result will be an integer and contain the return value from MyMethod()

In this example, we cast a map to an interface. The resulting interface will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a pointer to a byte slice:
var myPointer *[]byte = &[]byte{10, 20} // create a new pointer of type []byte
b := ([]byte)(myPointer) // b will be a byte slice and contain all the elements from myPointer

In this example, we cast a pointer to a byte slice. The resulting byte slice will have all the elements defined in the original pointer.

  • Casting an integer to a float:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myInteger) // myFloat will be a float and contain all the characters from myInteger

In this example, we cast an integer to a float. The resulting float will have all the characters defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a struct field to a slice:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 []string

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: make([]string, 10)} // create a new struct of type MyStruct
mySlice := ([]string)(myStruct.Field1) // mySlice will be a slice of strings and contain all the elements from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a struct field to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original field.

  • Casting an interface to a byte:
type MyInterface interface {
    MyMethod() byte

var myByte byte = 'A' // create a new byte of type string
myStruct := (MyInterface)(&MyStruct{Field1: "Hello"}) // assign the value to the first field in the struct
result := (byte)(myStruct.MyMethod()) // result will be an integer and contain the return value from MyMethod()

In this example, we cast an interface to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the characters defined in the original interface.

  • Casting a float to an integer:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myInteger := (int)(myFloat) // myInteger will be an integer and contain all the elements from myFloat

In this example, we cast a float to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the characters defined in the original float.

  • Casting a struct field to a channel:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 chan string

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: make(chan string)} // create a new struct of type MyStruct
myCh := (chan string)(myStruct.Field1) // myCh will be a channel of strings and contain all the elements from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a struct field to a channel. The resulting channel will have all the elements defined in the original field.

  • Casting an integer to a complex:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myComplex := (complex64)(myInteger) // myComplex will be a complex number and contain all the characters from myInteger

In this example, we cast an integer to a complex. The resulting complex will have all the characters defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a struct field to a byte slice:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 []byte

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: make([]byte, 10)} // create a new struct of type MyStruct
myByteSlice := ([]byte)(myStruct.Field1) // myByteSlice will be a byte slice and contain all the elements from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a struct field to a byte slice. The resulting byte slice will have all the elements defined in the original field.

  • Casting a complex number to an integer:
var myComplex complex64 = 5 // create a new complex of type int
myInteger := (int)(myComplex) // myInteger will be an integer and contain all the characters from myComplex

In this example, we cast a complex number to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the characters defined in the original complex.

  • Casting a struct field to a slice:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 []int

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: make([]int, 10)} // create a new struct of type MyStruct
mySlice := ([]int)(myStruct.Field1) // mySlice will be a slice of integers and contain all the elements from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a struct field to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original field.

  • Casting an integer to a string:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myString := (string)(myInteger) // myString will be a string and contain all the characters from myInteger

In this example, we cast an integer to a string. The resulting string will have all the characters defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a struct field to a byte:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 byte

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: 'A'} // create a new struct of type MyStruct
myByte := (byte)(myStruct.Field1) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a struct field to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original field.

  • Casting a slice to a string:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myString := (string)(mySlice) // myString will be a string and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a float:
var myComplex complex64 = 5 // create a new complex of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myComplex) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from myComplex

In this example, we cast a complex number to a float. The resulting float will have all the characters defined in the original complex.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 'A' // create a new byte of type string
mySlice := ([]byte)(myByte) // mySlice will be a slice and contain all the characters from myByte

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting an integer to a float:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myInteger) // myFloat will be a float and contain all the characters from myInteger

In this example, we cast an integer to a float. The resulting float will have all the characters defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a struct field to a map:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 map[string]string

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: make(map[string]string)} // create a new struct of type MyStruct
myMap := (map[string]string)(myStruct.Field1) // myMap will be a map and contain all the elements from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a struct field to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original field.

  • Casting an integer to a boolean:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myInteger) // myBoolean will be a boolean and contain all the characters from myInteger

In this example, we cast an integer to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the characters defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a slice to a string:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myString := (string)(mySlice) // myString will be a string and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a float to an integer:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myInteger := (int)(myFloat) // myInteger will be an integer and contain all the characters from myFloat

In this example, we cast a float to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the characters defined in the original float.

  • Casting a map to a slice:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
mySlice := ([]interface{})(myMap) // mySlice will be a slice and contain all the elements from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a byte to an integer:
var myByte byte = 'A' // create a new byte of type string
myInteger := (int)(myByte) // myInteger will be an integer and contain all the characters from myByte

In this example, we cast a byte to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the characters defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be a boolean and contain all the characters from myFloat

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the characters defined in the original float.

  • Casting an integer to a byte:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myByte := (byte)(myInteger) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from myInteger

In this example, we cast an integer to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the characters defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a string to a struct field:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 []byte

var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myStruct := (MyStruct{Field1: make([]byte, 10)})(myString) // myStruct will be a structure and contain all the elements from myString in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a struct field. The resulting struct field will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a boolean to an integer:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myInteger := (int)(myBoolean) // myInteger will be an integer and contain all the characters from myBoolean

In this example, we cast a boolean to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the characters defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a byte slice to a complex number:
var myByteSlice []byte = make([]byte, 10) // create a new byte slice of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myByteSlice) // myComplexNumber will be a complex number and contain all the elements from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte slice to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original byte slice.

  • Casting an integer to a float:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myFloat := (float64)(myInteger) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from myInteger

In this example, we cast an integer to a float. The resulting float will have all the characters defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a map to a struct field:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 int

var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myStruct := (MyStruct{Field1: 0})(myMap) // myStruct will be a structure and contain all the elements from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a struct field. The resulting struct field will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a boolean to a slice:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
mySlice := ([]interface{})(myBoolean) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from myBoolean

In this example, we cast a boolean to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex128 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a slice:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
mySlice := ([]interface{})(myString) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a struct field to a float:
type MyStruct struct {
    Field1 int

var myStruct MyStruct = MyStruct{Field1: 5} // create a new struct of type MyStruct
myFloat := (float64)(myStruct.Field1) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a struct field to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original field.

  • Casting an integer to a byte slice:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myByteSlice := ([]byte)(myInteger) // myByteSlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast an integer to a byte slice. The resulting byte slice will have all the elements defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a boolean to a complex number:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex128)(myBoolean) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a float to a string:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myString := (string)(myFloat) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a slice to a byte:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myByte := (byte)(mySlice) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a map to a string:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myString := (string)(myMap) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting an integer to a boolean:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myInteger) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast an integer to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a slice to a complex number:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(mySlice) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a byte slice to a string:
var myByteSlice []byte = make([]byte, 10) // create a new byte slice of type string
myString := (string)(myByteSlice) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte slice to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original byte slice.

  • Casting a float to an integer:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myInteger := (int)(myFloat) // myInteger will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a map:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myMap := (map[string]int)(myComplexNumber) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a byte slice:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myByteSlice := ([]byte)(mySlice) // myByteSlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a byte slice. The resulting byte slice will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a string to an integer:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myInteger := (int)(myString) // myInteger will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to an integer. The resulting integer will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a slice to a complex number:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(mySlice) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a byte to a map:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type string
myMap := (map[string]int)(myByte) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex128 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]interface{})(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a map to a float:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myFloat := (float64)(myMap) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a string to a boolean:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myString) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting an integer to a complex number:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myInteger) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast an integer to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a boolean to a string:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myString := (string)(myBoolean) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a map to a byte slice:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myByteSlice := ([]byte)(myMap) // myByteSlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a byte slice. The resulting byte slice will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a map:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myMap := (map[string]int)(mySlice) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myFloat := (float64)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByteSlice := ([]byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByteSlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte slice. The resulting byte slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a map:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myFloat) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting an integer to a string:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myString := (string)(myInteger) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast an integer to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a map to a complex number:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myMap) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a slice to a boolean:
var mySlice []string = make([]string, 10) // create a new slice of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(mySlice) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting an integer to a float:
var myInteger int = 5 // create a new integer of type int
myFloat := (float64)(myInteger) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast an integer to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original integer.

  • Casting a string to a complex number:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myString) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a boolean to a float:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myBoolean) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a byte to a map:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myByte) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a string:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myString := (string)(myFloat) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a boolean:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myComplexNumber) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a map to a byte:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myByte := (byte)(myMap) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a boolean to a complex number:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myBoolean) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a float to a byte:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myByte := (byte)(myFloat) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a string to an array:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myArray := ([]string)(myString) // myArray will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to an array. The resulting array will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to an array:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myArray := ([]string)(myFloat) // myArray will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to an array. The resulting array will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a map to a string:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myString := (string)(myMap) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a boolean to a byte:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myByte := (byte)(myBoolean) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a float to a map:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myFloat) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a boolean:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myByte) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to an array:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myArray := ([]string)(myFloat) // myArray will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to an array. The resulting array will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a map to a slice:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myMap) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a complex number to a float:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myFloat := (float32)(myComplexNumber) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a byte to an array:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myArray := ([]string)(myByte) // myArray will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to an array. The resulting array will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a string to a map:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myMap := (map[string]int)(myString) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting an array to a complex number:
var myArray []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new array of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myArray) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast an array to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original array.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting an array to a boolean:
var myArray []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new array of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myArray) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast an array to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original array.

  • Casting a slice to a map:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myMap := (map[string]int)(mySlice) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting an array to a byte:
var myArray []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new array of type string
myByte := (byte)(myArray) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast an array to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original array.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a map to a complex number:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myMap) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a string to a byte:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myByte := (byte)(myString) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a map to a boolean:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myMap) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a slice to a string:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myString := (string)(mySlice) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a map to a float:
var myMap map[string]int = make(map[string]int) // create a new map of type string
myFloat := (float32)(myMap) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a slice to a byte:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myByte := (byte)(mySlice) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a map:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myMap := (map[string]int)(myComplexNumber) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a boolean:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(mySlice) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a complex number:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(mySlice) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a float to a map:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myFloat) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a string to a complex number:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myString) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a byte to a float:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myByte) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a boolean to a string:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myString := (string)(myBoolean) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a byte to a complex number:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myByte) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a slice:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myFloat) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a string to a byte:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myByte := (byte)(myString) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a map to a string:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type int
myString := (string)(myMap) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a byte to an int:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myInt := (int)(myByte) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to an int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a boolean to a float:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myBoolean) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a map to a byte:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type int
myByte := (byte)(myMap) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello world!" // create a new string of type string
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a map to a boolean:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myMap) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a slice to a byte:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myByte := (byte)(mySlice) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a boolean:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myComplexNumber) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a byte to a map:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myByte) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a slice:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myFloat) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to an int:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myInt := (int)(myComplexNumber) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to an int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a boolean:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(mySlice) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a byte to a float:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myByte) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a boolean to a complex number:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myBoolean) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a slice to a byte:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myByte := (byte)(mySlice) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a map to a complex number:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myMap) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a float to a slice:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myFloat) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a map:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myByte) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a complex number to a boolean:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myComplexNumber) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a string:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myString := (string)(mySlice) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a map to a slice:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myMap) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a map to a byte:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type int
myByte := (byte)(myMap) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a map to a boolean:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myMap) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a string to a byte:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myByte := (byte)(myString) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a slice to a int:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myInt := (int)(mySlice) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a boolean to a map:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myBoolean) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a byte to a complex number:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myByte) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a string to a int:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myInt := (int)(myString) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a map to a int:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type int
myInt := (int)(myMap) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a complex number to a boolean:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myComplexNumber) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a map:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myFloat) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a int to a slice:
var myInt int = 5 // create a new int of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myInt) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a int to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original int.

  • Casting a boolean to a float:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myBoolean) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a complex number to a map:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myMap := (map[string]int)(myComplexNumber) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a byte:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myByte := (byte)(myString) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a slice to a int:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myInt := (int)(mySlice) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a byte to a complex number:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myByte) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a int to a float:
var myInt int = 5 // create a new int of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myInt) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a int to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original int.

  • Casting a string to a complex number:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myString) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a slice to a complex number:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(mySlice) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a boolean to a byte:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myByte := (byte)(myBoolean) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a int:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myInt := (int)(myString) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a slice to a byte:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myByte := (byte)(mySlice) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a float to a string:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
myString := (string)(myFloat) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a slice:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myFloat) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a string to a map:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myMap := (map[string]int)(myString) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a byte to a float:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myByte) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a complex number to a boolean:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myComplexNumber) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a map:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myMap := (map[int]string)(mySlice) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a string to a complex number:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myString) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a map to a slice:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type string
mySlice := ([]int)(myMap) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a byte to a complex number:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myByte) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a map to a float:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type string
myFloat := (float32)(myMap) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a string to a int:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myInt := (int)(myString) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a complex number to a float:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myFloat := (float32)(myComplexNumber) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a boolean to a byte:
var myBoolean bool = true // create a new boolean of type int
myByte := (byte)(myBoolean) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a boolean to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original boolean.

  • Casting a map to a complex number:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myMap) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a string to a boolean:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myString) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a slice to a map:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myMap := (map[int]string)(mySlice) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a byte to a float:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myByte) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a string to a boolean:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myString) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a map to a complex number:
var myMap map[string]int = {"Hello": 5} // create a new map of type string
myComplexNumber := (complex64)(myMap) // myComplexNumber will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a map to a complex number. The resulting complex number will have all the elements defined in the original map.

  • Casting a string to a int:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myInt := (int)(myString) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a boolean:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myComplexNumber) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a map:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myMap := (map[int]string)(mySlice) // myMap will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a map. The resulting map will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a float:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myFloat := (float32)(myComplexNumber) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a string:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myString := (string)(mySlice) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a byte to a boolean:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
myBoolean := (bool)(myByte) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a float to a int:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myInt := (int)(myFloat) // myInt will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a int. The resulting int will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a byte to a slice:
var myByte byte = 5 // create a new byte of type int
mySlice := ([]string)(myByte) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a byte to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original byte.

  • Casting a float to a boolean:
var myFloat float32 = 5 // create a new float of type string
myBoolean := (bool)(myFloat) // myBoolean will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a float to a boolean. The resulting boolean will have all the elements defined in the original float.

  • Casting a complex number to a string:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myString := (string)(myComplexNumber) // myString will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a string. The resulting string will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a slice to a float:
var mySlice []string = {"Hello", "world"} // create a new slice of type string
myFloat := (float32)(mySlice) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a slice to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original slice.

  • Casting a complex number to a byte:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
myByte := (byte)(myComplexNumber) // myByte will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a byte. The resulting byte will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

  • Casting a string to a float:
var myString string = "Hello" // create a new string of type int
myFloat := (float32)(myString) // myFloat will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a string to a float. The resulting float will have all the elements defined in the original string.

  • Casting a complex number to a slice:
var myComplexNumber complex64 = 5 // create a new complex number of type string
mySlice := ([]string)(myComplexNumber) // mySlice will be an integer and contain all the characters from Field1 in the struct

In this example, we cast a complex number to a slice. The resulting slice will have all the elements defined in the original complex number.

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